
Sprouting isn’t easy, but it plays a vital role in developing Way Better Snacks great flavor, texture, and color. Each snack shows our holistic approach to taste—you can actually see the deliciousness!

It seems like a super-secret miracle that sprouted snacks could have so many awesome benefits while still delivering you a deliciously craveable crunch, but it’s really pretty simple. Research has confirmed what has been known for centuries: seeds, grains and beans are nutritional powerhouses. What isn’t as well known is that they are super tough for your body to absorb. All of these seeds, grains, and beans have natural barriers to protect themselves in the wild… and your stomach.

But, there’s good news! Sprouting breaks down those barriers, breaking open the seed and unlocking all the goodness inside. Sound fancy? Just think of Spring: the hard seed in the ground is not delicious or nutritious, but the beautiful, new sprout? Now we’re talking.

Our seeds, beans and grains are hand sprouted by a team of researchers, scientists, and sprouting pioneers at our own sprouting facility, Live Better Sprouting Innovation, in Canada. These folks are helping us spread the word that sprouting not only makes food more nutritious—it also makes our snacks super delicious.

Why do we spend so much time and effort on sprouting the ingredients in our chips? Because, our great taste comes from what we’re made of, not just what gets sprinkled on top.

Want to know even more about our sprouted awesomeness? Head over here to learn directly from our sprouting gurus!